For the 2nd year running, the Sommer Foundation is supporting the Kanner- a Jugendkonferenz (KaJuKo) that was held on 9 March 2024 at the premises of COOPÉRATIONS Asbl. Organised every year by the Jugendbureau Éislek, the KaJuKo is aimed at young people aged 12 and over and adults working in the children and youth sector. It is an event where young people can realise their right to freedom of expression, participation and decision-making, and where their perspectives take centre stage. It is a platform that stimulates exchanges between young people and adults from different fields (politics, education, art, etc.). At the heart of the 2024 edition is the theme of “violence”: what does it mean to the various participants, what do they understand by this term and what do they associate with this subject? This theme has been implemented in different artistic forms as part of workshops combining music, theatre, dance and set design. The four artistic forms were brought together after the conference and presented in the form of an overall performance.
The Éislek youth office is a department of COOPERATIONS Asbl in Wiltz. Through its projects, it offers participatory political education and encourages an understanding of values and democracy. Young people aged 12 and over are motivated to get involved as citizens and play an active part in society. In addition to its project work, the Jugendbureau Éislek is also a point of contact and support for all questions relating to youth participation.