
The Key Challenges of Empowering Children and Young People Through Arts and Culture: Review of the 3rd Professional Meeting of the Fondation Sommer
On Wednesday, November 27, 2024, the 3rd professional meeting organized by the Fondation Sommer took place. Around sixty actors from Luxembourg's cultural, artistic, social, and educational sectors attended our invitation. This day provided an opportunity to inform, exchange ideas, and reflect together on how to design a cultural and artistic initiative that is relevant, impactful, ecological, and sustainable.
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Projects selected following the October 2024 call for proposals
Following the latest call for proposals, the Board of Fondation Sommer has decided to support 8 new projects.
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Change within the Board of Directors of the Sommer Foundation
Following its General Assembly on July 24, the Sommer Foundation marks the departure of Stéphanie Jauquet after a 5-year term. On this same occasion, the entry of Fabrice Roth as a new member of the Board of Directors was voted in.
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Interdisciplinary Meeting 'Artistic and Cultural Education' - Report
On March 27 and 28, 2024, the Sommer Foundation and the Master's program in Secondary Education at the University of Luxembourg co-organized an interdisciplinary meeting focused on the theme of artistic and cultural education in Luxembourg, highlighting various aspects of this topic.
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"Culture and Society": A review of the Sommer Foundation's second professional meeting
On Wednesday 15 November 2023, around 80 people from the cultural, educational and social sectors attended the 2nd professional meeting organised by the Fondation Sommer at the Luxembourg Center for Architecture.
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Interview with Sandrine Guivarch on
The director of our foundation has answered the questions of Godefroy Gordet on
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« Culture et jeunesse » : Retour sur la première rencontre professionnelle de la Fondation Sommer
Plus d’une centaine d’acteurs des secteurs culturel, social et éducatif se sont retrouvés le 28 septembre dans l’auditorium du Mudam à l’occasion de la première rencontre professionnelle de la Fondation Sommer. La matinée a donné lieu à la présentation de trois des projets soutenus par la Fondation et à d’enrichissants échanges avec le public présent.
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