“Heemecht” is an educational project that was conducted with several primary and secondary school classes in Luxembourg. To gather material through exchanges with students and their teachers for a professional theatrical performance, an exploration of the theme of “homeland” (Heemecht) was undertaken. What does my homeland taste like? What does my homeland smell like? Is there a difference for me between the terms “home,” “house,” “homeland,” and if so, what is it?
The artists Piera Jovic, Fabienne Elaine Hollwege, and Laetitia Lang also collaborated with students from the National School for Adults to offer an artistic approach to the subject through movement and dance workshops. Together, they created a theatrical performance in which the audience was guided by 16 young people in search of their homeland. Through text, movement, and music, they all attempted to find an answer, or at least an approach, to what Heemecht means to them.