As part of its creation for young audiences CHUUUT(E), the Z Art company, led by Luxembourg choreographer Giovanni Zazzera, developed an educational project for children aged 6 and over. For 3 workshops, a class from the Brouch school in Esch/Alzette worked with the artistic team to explore the theme of the piece, namely the fall, whether physical or emotional. According to the company, this is an “important subject to tackle with young people, as falling is most often associated with defeat, mistakes and a negative connotation”. In the movement workshops, and through exchanges and discussions with the dancers, the costume designer and a drama teacher, the company offered a different perspective on falling. The children were also given the opportunity to experiment with new aspects for themselves.
“I think workshops like this should be held more often in schools with artists. Children need role models to help them realise their dreams. They were so enthusiastic about the artists, who kept explaining to the children how much work goes into art. But they also taught them never to give up and to make their dreams come true”. (teacher)