The RE Bondir project explored the issue of dropping out of school, and the Reidener Jugendtreff wanted to give young people a voice to tell the story of their wanderings through music. The aim of the project was to establish a dialogue where communication is difficult, both among young people and between young people and their parents and teachers.
In weekly music workshops, teenagers aged 13 to 18 wrote, composed and recorded songs under the watchful eye of Pascal Gualandris (“Packo”) and Claudio Borri. Thanks to a highly committed team and the support of teachers and parents, the project has encouraged the young people by putting them in a position to succeed (with their project) so that they can gain confidence in themselves and their abilities.
“With this project, we want to change the way we look at young people and encourage people to listen to and understand others. Young people have things to tell us, but they sometimes have difficulty with the means of communication. Music (and art) in general is a very interesting way of communicating. (Martine Thielmanns, educator)