Call for Projects

Educational projects


Objectives of the call

This call for proposals aims to encourage the implementation of educational activities as part of an artistic or cultural project in the following fields: performing arts, fine arts, visual arts, music, literature, design, multidisciplinary projects, architecture.

It is specifically aimed at artists and cultural structures as well as at active structures for citizenship, integration and social action, producers or organisers, who wish, through specific work or in the frame of a cultural project, to carry out cultural mediation aimed at a young audience between the ages of 0 and 25.

Its objectives are:

  • To awaken the minds and cultural curiosity of children and young people by allowing them to discover in more detail a specific artistic universe and works.
  • To give participants new tools to enable their personal and creative development.
  • To actively involve children and young people in the development of an artistic work or a cultural project.
  • To develop new skills through mutual learning as an artist/cultural/educational/social structure on the one hand and as a pedagogical staff on the other.

The funded educational projects can be implemented:

  • In the context of creations/works in the process of being developed or planned.
  • Around existing or old creations/works.
  • As part of the preparation of a specific cultural project.

Target audience of the projects: children, teenagers, young adults, families;


Recipients of the call

The projects must be proposed and implemented by individual artists or by individuals and teams from Luxembourg non-profit organisations. Any professional Luxembourg artist or an artist connected to Luxembourg and any organisation whose registered office and activities are based in Luxembourg may apply.

The following are eligible to submit a project:

  • Freelance and independent artists*
  • Companies, groups, ensembles or collectives of artists
  • Cultural institutions and associations
  • Educational and pedagogical structures in the formal and non-formal sector
  • Active structures for citizenship, integration and social action
  • Societal impact companies (SIS)

* whether or not they have come together as a Luxembourg non-profit association.


Selection criteria

The selection will be based on various criteria such as:

  • A strong artistic and educational dimension,
  • The participatory nature of the project,
  • The composition of the pair,
  • The target audience and the strategy to reach it,
  • The technical and financial feasibility.


General and financial conditions

The amount of aid is determined according to the requirements and scope of the project and the estimated budget. It may not exceed EUR 7,000 per project.

The financial aid allocated to the selected projects should be considered as ad hoc support, allotted to specific projects of a specific duration. Under no circumstances may the financial support received from the Sommer Foundation be used to finance general or operating expenses. It must be directly related to pedagogic activities carried out within the framework of the selected project. Expenditure generated prior to the submission of the application and prior to the official agreement of support from the Foundation is not eligible for funding (principle of non-retroactivity). Fondation Sommer will verify the use of the amount received by requesting a financial statement, with accounting documents, at the end of the project.



Projects receiving financial assistance from Fondation Sommer must participate in an evaluation procedure in order to assess the impact of the project.


Submission of applications

In order to confirm that your project is admissible and in line with the visions of Fondation Sommer, we advise you to contact the Foundation’s office early enough before submitting your application.

To apply, project leaders are asked to carefully read the rules of the call for projects (to be downloaded at the bottom of the page with the application form) and to send their application to the following e-mail address:

The files must include the following documents:

  • The official application form.
  • A detailed description of the project in terms of objectives, general artistic concept, implementation and target group(s).
  • A plan to reach the audience, detailing how you will contact the target audience and involve them in the project. It is important to specify: 1/ who you are targeting, 2/ how or by what means you plan to reach this target, 3/ what the steps and timelines are for forming the group, 4/ how you plan to keep the group engaged. Any additional information addressing this question is appreciated.
  • A balanced budget detailing expenses and revenues confirmed or currently requested from other public or private funders.
  • Proof of involvement of project partners in the form of a letter of intent.

As well as:

  • For legal entities: a copy of the body’s articles of association, a recent extract from the Luxembourg Business Register (LBR) and the latest activity report.
  • For individual artists: an artistic CV.

Optional documents: presentation brochures, newsletters, press kits or articles, video links, etc.

Failure to provide the requested supporting documents shall be considered as a ground for inadmissibility. On the basis of the documents sent, it is up to Fondation Sommer to examine the administrative admissibility of the application before forwarding it to the Selection Committee.

The decision of the Selection Committee is final and cannot be appealed.


Deadlines for submission

The next deadlines for sending the applications are:

  • October 8, 2024 (jury decision: October 22, 2024)
  • February 18, 2025 (jury decision: March 20, 2025)
  • May 20, 2025 (jury decision: June 19, 2025)
  • September 30, 2025 (jury decision: October 30, 2025)


Contact and information

Veronika Meindl, Project Coordinator
Telephone: (+352) 28 80 07 53


Regulation and application form

Download application form in word format (730 KB)
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